Modern Period
S. Aveyard (2016). No Solution The Labour Government and the Northern Ireland Conflict, 1974-79. Manchester University Press.
G. Cross (2017). Slybirds A Photographic Odyssey of the 353rd Fighter Group During the Second World War.
GE. Cross (2012). The Diplomatic Education of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882-1933. Palgrave Macmillan.
GE. Cross (2001). Jonah’s Feet are Dry The Experience of the 353rd Fighter Group During World War II.
GE. Cross (2012). The Diplomatic Education of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1882-1933. Palgrave Macmillan.
S. Edwards (2015). Allies in Memory. Cambridge University Press.
S. Edwards, alongside M. Dolski, J. Buckley (2014). D-Day in History and Memory The Normandy Landings in International Remembrance and Commemoration. University of North Texas Press.
S. Hurst (1996). The Carter Administration and Vietnam. Macmillan.
S. Hurst (1999). The Foreign Policy of the Bush Administration. Pinter Pub Limited.
S. Hurst (2009). The United States and Iraq since 1979: Hegemony, oil and war.
S. Hurst (2018). The United States and the Iranian Nuclear Programme A Critical History. Edinburgh University Press.
SA. Hurst (2005). Cold War US Foreign Policy: Key Perspectives. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
C. Millington (2012). From Victory to Vichy Veterans in Inter-War France.
C. Millington (2018). Fighting for France Violence in Interwar French Politics. British Academy Monographs.
C. Millington (2019). A History of Fascism in France: From the First World War to the National Front. Bloomsbury Academic.
C. Millington (2020). France in the Second World War Collaboration, Resistance, Holocaust, Empire. Bloomsbury Academic.
C. Millington with B. Jenkins, (2015). France and Fascism February 1934 and the Dynamics of Political Crisis. Routledge.
C. Millington with K. Passmore, (2015). Political Violence and Democracy in Western Europe, 1918-1940. Springer.
M. Peñalba-Sotorrio (2015). La Secretaría General del Movimiento. Construcción, coordinación y estabilización del régimen franquista. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales.
M. Peñalba (2009). Falange española historia de un fracaso (1933-1945).
M. Peñalba (2013). Entre la boina roja y la camisa azul la integración del carlismo en Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS (1936-1942).
Book Chapters
S. Aveyard, S. McDaid (2017). Sunningdale and the limits of ‘rejectionist’ unionism. C. McGrattan, D. McCann. In: Sunningdale, the Ulster Workers’ Council Strike and the Struggle for Democracy in Northern Ireland. Manchester University Press, pp.100-113.
SC. Aveyard (2015). The Labour government and police primacy in Northern Ireland, 1974-79. L. Marley. In: The British Labour Party and Twentieth-Century Ireland: The Cause of Ireland, the Cause of Labour. Manchester University Press, pp.164-181.
G. Cross (2020). Franklin D. Roosevelt and U.S. Foreign Policy. Oxford University Press,
CJ. Danks (2006). Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers: mothers challenging the Russian state. S. Buckingham, G. Lievesley. In: In the Hands of Women. Manchester University Press,
SR. Edwards (2018). ‘We will remember then’: Television and British Memory of the First World War, 1964-2014. In: Histories on Screen The Past and Present in Anglo-American Cinema and Television. Bloomsbury Publishing,
SR. Edwards (2017). He came from America didn’t he? The Thetford statue controversy and the problem of Paine in transatlantic memory, c. 1909-1970. In: The Legacy of Thomas Paine in the Transatlantic World.
SR. Edwards (2017). Monument Missions: Remembrance, Reconstruction and Transatlantic Memory in Post-War Europe, 1945-1962. S. Bélanger, R. Dickason. In: War Memories: Commemoration, Recollections and Writings on War. McGill-Queen’s University Press,
S. Edwards (2017). Churchill and the Anglo-American Special Relationship. In: Churchill and the Anglo-American Special Relationship. Routledge, pp.202-222.
SR. Edwards (2016). Twelve o’clock high and American Airpower, 1949-1967. A. Froula, S. Takacs. In: American Militarism on the Small Screen. Routledge, pp.46-62.
SR. Edwards, M. Dolski, J. Buckley (2014). Introduction. In: D-Day in History and Memory The Normandy Landings in International Remembrance and Commemoration. University of North Texas Press,
S. Edwards (2014). The beginning of the end: D-day in British memory. In: D-Day in History and Memory: The Normandy Landings in International Remembrance and Commemoration. pp.85-130.
SR. Edwards (2010). Ruins, Relics and Restoration: The Afterlife of World War Two American Airfields in England, 1945-2005. In: Militarized Landscapes: From Gettysburg to Salisbury Plan. London: Continum, pp.210-228.
SR. Edwards (2009). War Memory and Popular Culture. M. Keren, HH. Herwig. In: War Memory and Popular Culture. McFarland & Company Incorporated Pub,
SR. Edwards (2006). Commemorating Air War: The Airfields of the US Eighth Air Force. In: Perspectives on Conflict. Salford: European Studies Research Institute, pp.117-141.
S. Hurst (2014). Parties, polarization, and US foreign policy. I. Parmar, LB. Miller, M. Ledwidge. In: Obama and the World New Directions in US Foreign Policy. London: Routledge, pp.95-106.
S. Hurst (2009). Reforming the national security apparatus. In: Assessing the George W. Bush Presidency: A Tale of Two Terms. pp.100-114.
SA. Hurst (2009). Reconstructing the National Security Bureacracy. J. Herbert, A. Wroe. In: Assessing the George W. Bush Presidency: A Tale of Two Terms. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp.100-114.
SA. Hurst (2006). Conservatism Resurgent? The Foreign Policy of the Bush Administration. I. Morgan, P. Davies. In: Right On? Political Change and Continuity in George Bush’s America. London: Institute for the Study of the Americas, pp.41-58.
SA. Hurst, M. Cox (2001). `Present at Disintegration’: The United States and German Unification. In: Germany Since Unification: The Development of the Berlin Republic. London: Macmillan, pp.231-251.
C. Millington (2019). Les affrontements violents des années 1930. In: L’histoire refoulée. La Rocque, les Croix de feu, et la question du fascisme français. Les Editions du Cerf,
C. Millington (2015). Duelling with Words and Fists: Meeting Hall Violence in Interwar France. In: Political Violence and Democracy in Western Europe, 1918–1940. Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp.112-126.
C. Millington (2014). The Veterans and the Extreme Right: The Union nationale des combattants, 1927-1936. In: The French Right Between the Wars Political and Intellectual Movements from Conservatism to Fascism. Berghahn Books,
C. Millington (2014). France in an Era of Global War, 1914–1945. In: France in an Era of Global War, 1914-1945. Palgrave Macmillan UK,
C. Millington Duelling with Words and Fists. In: Political Violence and Democracy in Western Europe, 1918-1940. Palgrave Macmillan,
C. Millington The Shooting at Chartres. In: France in an Era of Global War, 1914-1945. Palgrave Macmillan,
M.Morris, ‘Between workers and soldiers: understanding the relationship between the Labour Party
and ex-servicemen after the First World War’ in David Swift and Oliver Wilkinson (eds.), Veterans after the First World War (London: Routledge, forthcoming)
M. Morris (2018). Peace, but not at any price: British socialists’ calls for peace on the eve of the First World War. In: Labour, British radicalism and the First World War. Manchester University Press, pp.17-34.
M. Morris (2016). Class, performance and socialist politics: The political campaigns of early labour leaders. In: Politics, performance and popular culture: Theatre and society in nineteenth-century Britain. Manchester University Press, pp.259-275.
M. Morris, M. Andrews and N. Fleming (eds.), Histories, Memories and Representations of Being
Young in the First World War (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming)
M. Penalba-Sotorrio (2020). Tainted Visions of War: Antisemitic German Propaganda in Spain. In: SPAIN, THE SECOND WORLD WAR, AND THE HOLOCAUST. History and Representation. University of Toronto Press,
M. Peñalba-Sotorrío (2019). Red Berets, Blue Shirts: Nationalist Militia Forces in the Spanish Civil War. In: Spain at War. Bloomsbury Academic,
M. Penalba-Sotorrio (2013). La milice, élément fondamental du fascisme: le cas espagnol. In: Lavail, Christine and Peloille, Manuelle (dir.), Fascisme ibériques? sources, définitions, pratiques. Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense,
M. Penalba-Sotorrio (2013). La Secretaría General del Movimiento como pilar estructural del primer franquismo, 1937-1945. In: Falange las culturas políticas del fascismo en la España de Franco (1936-1975). Institución “Fernando el Católico” (CSIC),
M. Peñalba Sotorrío, M. Penalba-Sotorrio (2013). Creando falangistas: las Escuelas de Mandos del régimen franquista (1937-1945). In: Claves del mundo contemporáneo debate e investigación : actas del XI Congreso de la Asociación de Historia Contemporánea. Comares,
G. Phillips (2018). Animals in and at War. H. Kean, P. Howell. In: The Routledge Companion to Animal-Human History. Routledge, pp.422-445.
G. Phillips (2015). “La Cavalerie au Combat au XIXe siècle,”. In: L’Âge D’Or de la Cavalerie. Gallimand,
Journal Articles
SC. Aveyard (2014). ‘We couldn’t do a Prague’: British government responses to loyalist strikes in Northern Ireland 1974–77. Irish Historical Studies. 39(153), pp.91-111.
SC. Aveyard (2012). ‘The “English Disease” is to Look for a “Solution of the Irish Problem”’: British Constitutional Policy in Northern Ireland after Sunningdale 1974–1976. Contemporary British History. 26(4), pp.529-549.
G. Cross (2020). ‘Command of the Air’: Alfred T. Mahan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston S. Churchill and an Anglo-American Personal Diplomacy of Air Power. Journal of Transatlantic Studies. 18(4),
G. Cross (2020). The Meaning of Madingley: Anglo-American Commemorative Culture at the Cambridge American Military Cemetery. Journal of Transatlantic Studies. 18(3),
GE. Cross (2018). ‘The World’s Peace’ – Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points. Bulletin of the Western Front Association.
CJ. Danks (2017). The experience of the Leningrad-Manchester in the resolution of current issues in international relations in the 1970s. Bulletin of the Udmurt University. Sociology. Political science. International relations. 1(3), pp.352-361.
CJ. Danks, CJ. Danks (2017). The Anglo-Soviet Alliance: What does Manchester think?. Bulletin of Udmurt University. Sociology. Political Science. International Relations. pp.210-220.
CJ. Danks (2002). The Stalin era. POLITICAL STUDIES. 50(2), pp.429-430.
CJ. Danks (2001). Russia’s stillborn democracy? From Gorbachev to Yeltsin. EUROPE-ASIA STUDIES. 53(1), pp.171-172.
SR. Edwards (2018). An Empire of Memory: Overseas British War Cemeteries, 1917-1983.International Journal of Military History and Historiography. 38(2), pp.255-286.
S. Edwards (2018). Warton, George Washington and the Lancashire Roots of the Anglo-American ‘Special Relationship’, C. 1880–1976. Northern History. 55(2), pp.206-234.
S. Edwards (2017). Book Review: The Battle of Britain, 1945-1965: The Air Ministry and the Few, Garry Campion. War in History. 24(4), pp.553-555.
S. Edwards (2017). God and Uncle Sam: Religion and America’s Armed Forces in World War II, by Michael Snape. The English Historical Review. 132(557), pp.1023-1026.
S. Edwards (2016). Book Review: D-Day Documents by Paul Winter. War in History. 23(1), pp.140-142.
M. Fenemore (2019). Victim of kidnapping or an unfortunate defector? The strange case of Otto John. Cold War History. pp.1-18.
M. Fenemore (2015). Youth Opposition in the GDR, 1945-1965. Totalitarianism and Democracy. 12(2), pp.249-268.
M. Fenemore (2014). Vorwarts zum neuen Menschen? Die sozialistische Erziehung in der DDR (1949-1989). German History. 32, 504-505.
M. Fenemore (2013). State and Minorities in Communist East Germany. LABOUR HISTORY REVIEW. 78, 231-233.
M. Fenemore (2012). Life among the Ruins: Cityscape and Sexuality in Cold War Berlin. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW. 117, 1315-1315.
M. Fenemore (2012). Surviving Hitler’s War: Family Life in Germany, 1939-48. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY HISTORY. 47, 656-658.
M. Fenemore (2011). Socialist Cities between Domination and Self-Assertion. Local Politics, Urban Planning and Everyday Life in the GDR. GERMAN HISTORY. 29, 167-169.
M. Fenemore (2010). Synthetic Socialism: Plastics and Dictatorship in the German Democratic Republic. GERMAN HISTORY. 28, 393-394.
M. Fenemore (2010). Youth Politics in East Germany: The Free German Youth Movement 1946-1968. CENTRAL EUROPEAN HISTORY. 43, 206-208.
S. Hurst, A. Wroe (2016). Partisan polarization and US foreign policy: Is the centre dead or holding?.International Politics. 53(5), pp.666-682.
S. Hurst (2016). The Iranian Nuclear Negotiations as a Two-Level Game: The Importance of Domestic Politics. Diplomacy & Statecraft. 27(3), pp.545-567.
S. Hurst (2012). Obama and Iran. International Politics. 49(5), pp.545-567.
S. Hurst (2009). Is the Bush Revolution over?. International Politics. 46(2-3), pp.157-176.
SA. Hurst (2007). `Who Started It?’: Cold War Historiography. New England Journal of History. 64(1), pp.12-30.
S. Hurst (2005). Myths of neoconservatism: George W. Bush’s ‘Neo-conservative’ foreign policy revisited. International Politics. 42(1), pp.75-96.
S. Hurst (2004). The rhetorical strategy of George H. W. Bush during the Persian Gulf crisis 1990-91: How to help lose a war you won. Political Studies. 52(2), pp.376-392.
SA. Hurst, M. Cox (2002). `”His Finest Hour?” George Bush and the Diplomacy of German Unification,’. Diplomacy and Statecraft. 13(4), pp.123-150.
SA. Hurst (1999). Bush, Clinton and Western Europe: Cutting the Costs of Leadership. National Security Studies Quarterly. 5(2), pp.29-53.
S. Hurst (1997). Regionalism or globalism? the Carter administration and Vietnam. Journal of Contemporary History. 32(1), pp.81-95.
S. Hurst (2012). Assessing George W. Bush’s Legacy: The Right Man?. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES. 46,
S. Hurst (2011). An Outsider in the White House: Jimmy Carter, His Advisors, and the Making of American Foreign Policy. AMERICAN HISTORICAL REVIEW. 116, 1535-1536.
S. Hurst (2010). Ambition and Division: Legacies of the George W. Bush Presidency. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN STUDIES. 44, 472-472.
S. Hurst (2004). The United States and Europe in the twentieth century. EUROPEAN HISTORY QUARTERLY. 34, 568-570.
S. Hurst (2002). Ronald Reagan and the politics of freedom. POLITICAL STUDIES. 50, 609-610.
C. Millington (2018). Immigrants and undesirables: “terrorism” and the “terrorist” in 1930s France.Critical Studies on Terrorism. pp.1-20.
C. Millington (2018). Getting Away with Murder: Political Violence on Trial in Interwar France.European History Quarterly. 48(2), pp.256-282.
C. Millington (2018). Were we terrorists? History, terrorism, and the French Resistance. History Compass. 16(2), pp.e12440-e12440.
C. Millington (2015). Communist Veterans and Paramilitarism in 1920s France: TheAssociation républicaine des anciens combattants. Journal of War & Culture Studies. 8(4), pp.300-314.
C. Brown, C. Millington (2015). The Memory of the Cambodian Genocide: the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum. History Compass. 13(2), pp.31-39.
C. Millington (2012). From Victory to Vichy.
C. Millington (2012). Political Violence in Interwar France. History Compass. 10(3), pp.246-259.
C. Millington (2012). The French Veterans and the Republic: The Union nationale des combattants and the Union fédérale, 1934–1938. European History Quarterly. 42(1), pp.50-70.
C. Millington (2010). February 6, 1934: The Veterans’ Riot. French Historical Studies. 33(4), pp.545-572.
M. Morris (2018). The General Strike as a Weapon of Peace: British Socialists, the Labour Movement, and Debating the Means to Avoid War before 1914. Labour History Review. 83(1), pp.29-53.
M. Morris (2015). ‘The Most Respectable Looking of Revolutionaries’. Cultural and Social History. 12(3), pp.315-330.
M. Morris (2015). Labour and the Caucus: Working-Class Radicalism and Organised Liberalism in England, 1868–1888. Journal of Victorian Culture. 20(2), pp.265-268.
M. Morris (2014). From anti-colonialism to anti-imperialism: the evolution of H. M. Hyndman’s critique of empire,c.1875-1905. Historical Research. 87(236), pp.293-314.
M. Peñalba-Sotorrío (2019). Beyond the War: Nazi Propaganda Aims in Spain during the Second World War. Journal of Contemporary History. 54(4), pp.902-926.
M. Peñalba-Sotorrío (2019). Introduction: Spanish-German Relations during the Second World War.Journal of Contemporary History. 54(4), pp.825-833.
AC. Moreno Cantano, M. Peñalba Sotorrío (2019). Tinta franquista al servicio de Hitler: la editorial Blass y la propaganda alemana (1939-1945). RIHC. Revista Internacional de Historia de la Comunicación. pp.344-369.
M. Penalba-Sotorrio, C. Cerrano (2014). La OMU y la Conferencia Internacional de dirigentes universitarios de junio de 1955 vista desde la delegación española del SEU. Revista electrónica de Fuentes y archivos del Centro de Estudios “Prof. Carlos S. A. Segreti”. Year 5(5), pp.193-218.
M. Peñalba-Sotorrío (2012). German Propaganda in Francoist Spain: Diplomatic Information Bulletins as a Primary Tool of Nazi Propaganda. Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies. 37(1),
G. Phillips (2018). Pigeons in the Trenches: animals, communications technologies and the British Expeditionary Force, 1914-1918. The British Journal for Military History. 4(3), pp.60-80.
G. Phillips (2018). “Technology, ‘Machine Age’ Warfare, and the Military Use of Dogs, 1880–1918,”.Journal of Military History. 82(1), pp.67-94.
G. Phillips (2017). La transformación de la moral militar: armas y soldados en el campo de batalla del siglo XIX. Revista Universitaria de Historia Militar On-line. 6(11), pp.278-299.
G. Phillips (2013). Writing Horses into American Civil War History. WAR IN HISTORY. 20(2), pp.160-181.
G. Phillips (2011). Military morality transformed: Weapons and soldiers on the nineteenth-century Battlefield. Journal of Interdisciplinary History. 41(4), pp.565-590.
G. Phillips (2011). ‘Who shall say that the days of cavalry are over?’ The revival of the mounted arm in Europe, 1853-1914. War in History. 18(1), pp.5-32.
G. Phillips (2007). Scapegoat arm: Twentieth-century cavalry in Anglophone historiography. Journal of Military History. 71(1), pp.37-74.
G. Phillips (2003). Douglas Haig and the Development of Twentieth-Century Cavalry. Archives: The Journal of the British Records Association. 28, pp.142-162.
G. Phillips (2002). The obsolescence of the arme-blanche and technological determinism in British military history. WAR IN HISTORY. 9(1), pp.39-59.
G. Phillips (1997). An Army of Giants: Height and Medical Characteristics of Welsh Soldiers of the First World War. Archives: The Journal of the British Records Society. 22, pp.141-146.
G. Phillips (1993). ‘Dai Bach y Soldiwr’: Welsh Soldiers in the British Army 1914-1918. Llafur: Journal of Welsh Labour History. 6(2), pp.94-105.