HaCC launch event
International Anthony Burgess Foundation 3 Cambridge StreetThe HaCC launch event will take place on Wednesday 3 May, from 2pm, at the Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester. We have two speakers. First, Prof. Mark Connelly of Kent will present ‘Game of ghosts: visiting the battlefields of the Western Front, 1919-1939′. Second, Dr Connor Wilson will launch his book The Battle Rhetoric of Crusade and […]
Prof. Mark Connelly, ‘Game of ghosts: visiting the battlefields of the Western Front, 1919-1939’
International Anthony Burgess Foundation 3 Cambridge StreetProfessor Mark Connelly will speak at the HaCC launch event on 3 May 2023, from 2pm, at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester. (https://www.anthonyburgess.org/). His paper is entitled ‘Game of ghosts: visiting the battlefields of the Western Front, 1919-1939’. If you have any questions about the event, email Dr Chris Millington – C.Millington@mmu.ac.uk – or Dr […]
Launch Event: Histories and Cultures of Conflict (HaCC) Research Group
International Anthony Burgess Foundation 3 Cambridge StreetWe are delighted to announced that the launch event for HaCC will take place on Wednesday 3 May 2023, from 2pm, at the International Anthony Burgess Foundation in Manchester. (https://www.anthonyburgess.org/) The event will comprise a public lecture by Professor Mark Connelly (University of Kent), and the launch of Dr Connor Wilson’s (MMU) new book, The Battle […]
HACC Public Lecture: Warrior Women by Professor Allison Fell
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityHACC Annual Lecture This year’s Histories and Cultures of Conflict Annual Lecture will be delivered by Professor Allison Fell’s (University of Liverpool). The lecture, entitled ‘Warrior Women’, draws on her latest publication, Warrior Women: The Cultural Politics of Armed Women, c.1850–1945, published with CUP. Professor Fell is an expert on women and conflict, particularly around the First World War, and […]
German History in the North Conference
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityJoin us for this one-day conference on the history of German-speaking Europe (broadly defined) which will provide an opportunity for researchers to meet in a relaxed and friendly setting and to learn more about each other’s work. This in-person event organised by Manchester Metropolitan University’s Histories and Cultures of Conflict (HACC)and Histories of RGSI (Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Identity) research […]
History of Terrorism Workshop I
A meeting for scholars of historical terrorism from the UK and Europe, to discuss approaches to the subject. Attendance by invitation only.
History and Terrorism Workshop II
The second meeting of the History of Terrorism research network, founded at MMU in May 2024. Attendance by invitation only. Venue: LJMU, Liverpool.
Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades: 7th Annual Symposium & Postgraduate Writing Workshop
The Northern Network for the Study of the Crusades will hold its 7th Annual Symposium at MMU on 16th December 2024. The event will comprise research papers, a postgraduate workshop on ‘Writing Military History’, and a keynote lecture by Prof. John France, of Swansea University. To register for the symposium, use this link: Northern Network for […]