War Commemoration
S. Edwards (2015). Allies in Memory. Cambridge University Press.
S. Edwards, alongside M. Dolski, J. Buckley (2014). D-Day in History and Memory The Normandy Landings in International Remembrance and Commemoration. University of North Texas Press.
Book Chapters
SR. Edwards (2018). ‘We will remember then’: Television and British Memory of the First World War, 1964-2014. In: Histories on Screen The Past and Present in Anglo-American Cinema and Television. Bloomsbury Publishing,
SR. Edwards (2017). He came from America didn’t he? The Thetford statue controversy and the problem of Paine in transatlantic memory, c. 1909-1970. In: The Legacy of Thomas Paine in the Transatlantic World.
SR. Edwards (2017). Monument Missions: Remembrance, Reconstruction and Transatlantic Memory in Post-War Europe, 1945-1962. S. BĂ©langer, R. Dickason. In: War Memories: Commemoration, Recollections and Writings on War. McGill-Queen’s University Press,
SR. Edwards, M. Dolski, J. Buckley (2014). Introduction. In: D-Day in History and Memory The Normandy Landings in International Remembrance and Commemoration. University of North Texas Press,
S. Edwards (2014). The beginning of the end: D-day in British memory. In: D-Day in History and Memory: The Normandy Landings in International Remembrance and Commemoration. pp.85-130.
SR. Edwards (2010). Ruins, Relics and Restoration: The Afterlife of World War Two American Airfields in England, 1945-2005. In: Militarized Landscapes: From Gettysburg to Salisbury Plan. London: Continum, pp.210-228.
SR. Edwards (2009). War Memory and Popular Culture. M. Keren, HH. Herwig. In: War Memory and Popular Culture. McFarland & Company Incorporated Pub,
SR. Edwards (2006). Commemorating Air War: The Airfields of the US Eighth Air Force. In: Perspectives on Conflict. Salford: European Studies Research Institute, pp.117-141.
M. Morris, M. Andrews and N. Fleming (eds.), Histories, Memories and Representations of Being
Young in the First World War (Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming)
Journal Articles
G. Cross (2020). The Meaning of Madingley: Anglo-American Commemorative Culture at the Cambridge American Military Cemetery. Journal of Transatlantic Studies. 18(3),
SR. Edwards (2018). An Empire of Memory: Overseas British War Cemeteries, 1917-1983.International Journal of Military History and Historiography. 38(2), pp.255-286.